How to use winmerge with unityu
How to use winmerge with unityu

Unfortunately, SourceTree does not have a GUI option for this, so fire up your git bash or, if you chose the right PATH option during installation, the Windows Command prompt and do this: git config -global mergetool.keepBackup false Git itself will create a *.orig conflict file AFTER the conflict is resolved, just in case you botched it.

how to use winmerge with unityu

You can either turn this off, or add *.bak to your.

how to use winmerge with unityu

The contents of this file will either be the original left side file, or the second to last output file if you saved multiple times. If you leave the backup file option turned on, WinMerge will generate a. The right side (labeled "Theirs") will be read only (that's the -wr argument), this is needed because WinMerge outputs all saved files to the $MERGED file, so if both sides were edited, it would output the left side then overwrite that with the right side best to avoid that kind of confusion. That will cause the left side (labeled "Mine") to be editable and it will be the output file when you save in WinMerge.

how to use winmerge with unityu

In Arguments use: -e -u -dl "Mine" -wr -dr "Theirs" $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED If you decide to use SourceTree (or for any Google searchers with SourceTree), you can use WinMerge for the Merge Tool by setting the Merge Tool to custom, pointing Diff Command to WinMergeU.exe, typically: C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe

How to use winmerge with unityu